Friday, 20 May 2011

Tuesday Morning Fever

Hello all, and what a fabulous Friday it is!
As I told you, here are some pictures from the 9th Grade Gala, which was held earlier this week. The dress I wore was vintage Dior and shoes from Monki. Photo credits to Emmi Salmi.


I cannot tell you all how tired, yet relieved I am right now. The next two weeks of school will be the last and therefore you start to realise weird things going on around school. When it comes to the last lesson with a certain teacher, even with the sternest ones, there comes a speech. An awkward speech during which you really do not know what to say. Reminiscing on the past three years of middle school and thanking for the hard work is nice and kind, but hearing it from teachers, who you know really don't enjoy teaching this group is plain queer.
     All the same, I know middle school has been a hell of a three year experience, through which teenage girls and boys do some serious growing up. (some more than others, of course...) I thank all my friends, with whom I have tons of lovely memories. Everything from doing public Tai Chi to the numerous sleepovers around the country. The list of memories goes on and will continue to do so. All my love x


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Good luck for your future, and remember to just enjoy life! :)

(P.S. it's spelled 'reminiscing', and 'of course' is always two words...but that's not important :))

Oona said...

awwww milliiii wuv you :))

Milli said...

Aww Oona! Love you too, dear x

Milli said...

Anonymous: Thank you. I'm definitely working towards enjoying life! And yeah, my spelling can at times be quite dodgy... Thanks for the corrections!