Monday, 23 May 2011

It's a Novel

On the far right...

Heya hoy!
What a day yesterday was! Our ballet group had our annual spring performance, which is by far my favourite part in dancing ballet. Not only was performing and dancing fun, but also spending the day with friends and family, who either came to watch or to perform. Our performance was named "Novelli", as in novel, and the music was baroque, which suited the theme perfectly. 
     One of the funnier incidents was when it came down to the lashes. We were all to apply fake lashes on, in order for our eyes to pop out (not literally...) on stage. However, the mirrors were small and the bathrooms crowded with ballerinas complaining about how their eyes were being prodded by plastic lashes. I had little idea on how to apply fake lashes, since I had never used them before. I really have to raise my hat to those who can put them on properly after only one go....Anyways, hope your day was as pleasant as mine!


elli said...

thats my schoool theree ;) hahah
and youre really prettyy (:

Milli said...

Haha SYK? Thank youu, elliii x