Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Old Purchases

Bom dia!
It really is a beautiful day here in Helsinki. The sun is on full blast, people are out enjoying it, tram tracks are rattling and the beaches are fully packed... Good thing we know how to really take advatage of the good weather when we have it, since we know how terrible it will get later on. 
 Yesterday my friend and I had a go at our local flee market. If you are lucky, you can get really good stuff for a bargain. We certainly were lucky, since we found Cheap Monday jeans and shirts, good CD's, a (real) leather skirt, slippers etc. alltogether costing less than a basic pretty shirt in Zara. I'm especially happy about this leather skirt I found, custom made for the lady selling it. Good thing it fits me aswell, since I've been thinking about getting one for awhile now. I'm scheming to combine it with a lush knit and a pair or high-heeled ankle boots... Any other ideas?
I've been searching for this little disc for the past how long, and now finally I found it! It's one of the earlier CD's of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, which is one of my all time favourites.

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