Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Honestly who buys furs in summer? Even if they were fake. Me. To top the bizarreness, apparently it's going to be one of the hottest weeks of summer coming up. Hah! I'll wear my fake fur while reading Elle on my sofa any time of the year!

p.s. Hope all of you who've finished school already have been enjoying this lovely free time! And for those still working or studying - it will end, eventually :)


Oona said...

beautifulll! class ring ;)

Oona said...

apua, aivan mielettömän ihanat vaatteet & sinä! <<3

aurora said...

ei härregyyd oot niin classy! straight from vogue

Milli said...

Kiitos ladies! xx

Titta said...

amazing pictures hun, but weren't you boiling? :D